Ob's stürmt oder schneit,
Ob die Sonne uns lacht,
Der Tag glühend hei?,
Oder eiskalt die Nacht.
Bestaubt sind die Gesichter,
Doch froh ist unser Sinn,
Ja unser Sinn;
Es braust unser Panzer
Im Sturmwind dahin. Mit donnernden Motoren,
So schnell wie der Blitz,
Dem Feinde entgegen,
Im Panzer geschützt.
Voraus den Kameraden,
Im Kampfe ganz allein,
Steh'n wir allein,
So sto?en wir tief
In die feindlichen Reihn.
Wenn vor uns ein feindlicher
Panzer erscheint,
Wird Vollgas gegeben
Und ran an den Feind!
Was gilt denn unser Leben,
Für unsres Reiches Heer,
Ja Reiches Heer?
Für Deutschland zu sterben
Ist uns h?chste Ehr. Mit Sperren und Tanks
H?lt der Gegner uns auf,
Wir lachen darüber
Und fahren nicht drauf.
Und droh'n vor uns Geschütze,
Versteckt im gelben Sand,
Im gelben Sand,
Wir suchen uns Wege,
Die keiner sonst fand.
Und l??t uns im Stich
Einst das treulose Glück,
Und kehren wir nicht mehr
Zur Heimat zurück,
Trifft uns die Todeskugel,
Ruft uns das Schicksal ab,
Ja Schicksal ab,
Dann ist unser Panzer
Ein ehernes Grab.
事实上,这首歌和二战SS部队毫无关系,根本就不是SS的军歌!原帖所提供的军歌歌词是属于 Panzer Lied(《德国装甲兵之歌》),但第一段不是。Panzer Lied 为德国的 Von Oblt. Wiehle 中尉作于1933年6月25日,它仅是德国装甲兵的歌,而不是德国党卫军第一装甲师军歌。
“The Mass”的中文翻译是《弥撒》,诞生于2003年,将德国古典音乐家卡尔·奥尔夫(Carl Orff 1895—1982)的歌剧作品《布兰诗歌》(Carmina Burana,亦作《博伊伦之歌》,完成于1936年)与来自《EraⅡ》的经典曲目“Divano”巧妙的熔于一炉。《布兰诗歌》是由 Carl Orff 改编创作自德国慕尼黑附近一座始建于公元8世纪的巴伐利亚修道院中发现的拉丁文手稿(作于13世纪,是目前所知的保存最为完整的也最具艺术价值的中世纪诗歌)。
最初的版本是 Carmina Burana(布兰诗歌)的 O Fortuna (《噢,命运女神》)。
The Mass
semper crescis aut descrescis
vita detestabilis
nunc obdurat et unc curat ludomentis aciem
nunc obdurat et unc curat ludomentis aciem
agestatem potestatem dissolvit ut glaciem
Divano divano re divano resi
Divano resido divano resia
Divano divano re divano resido
Divano resia
Sors salutis et virtutis michi nun contraria
est affectus et defectus semper in angaria
Hoc in hora sinc mora corde pulsum tangite
S H E 这3个不用说什么了,等下她们穿着日本和服, 拿着日本军刀喊着:“我们不是中国人,我们是台湾人”。
S·H·E接受日本一个综合电台采访时被问及: "Are you Chinese?" (你是中国人吗?) 她们三个 的回答是-- "NO We are Taiwanese"(不不!我们是{台湾人}!) (她妈的垃圾)请问看到这句话后,这儿还有人愿意当她们 的歌迷吗?至于这一个, 她前不久在兰州演出时问歌迷: 你们喜欢我吗? 歌迷答喜欢,她说:"对,你们中国人有好多都喜欢我" 如果你是中国人,就鄙视她们~~不买他们的CD VCD还有一切和他们有关的东西。
2006/06/24 土17:35 agency
We don't understand Chinese.
Though we would like to make corrections,
we don|t know hot to write in Chinese.
But she is alive and well. Please be relieved,everybody,
All Ran fan in China, Thank you!
1、德文原版故事的作者名叫Johann Peter Hebel,此人生于1760年,卒于1826年。他的那篇故事创作的具体年月日已经无考,但肯定在1813年之前,因为那一年该故事被汇编入一个故事集出版。德国威廉一世皇帝则生于1797年,卒于1888年,继位为普鲁士国王的时间是1861年,加冕为德国皇帝是在1871年。很明显,中文版中的威廉皇帝当为德文版中的普鲁士国王弗里德里希二世(即威廉一世的爷爷的舅舅)之误。
1、还是建筑资料:该磨坊是在1736年获得许可兴建的,而无忧宫是在1740年开始兴建的。磨坊主和弗里德里希二世国王之间的确有过法律纠纷,但纠纷的起因却不是因为Johann Peter Hebel故事中说的,即不是因为国王想拆掉磨坊,恰好相反,弗里德里希二世很喜欢那座磨坊,把它看作是无忧宫的装饰。纠纷的起因是无忧宫的院墙太高挡住了磨坊的风,因而磨坊主要求国王批准他到另一个地方兴建一座新磨坊,当然要求国王出钱。由于弗里德里希二世喜欢那座磨坊,所以最后他虽然批准了磨坊主另外兴建一座磨坊,却不允许原来的磨坊停止运营,为此他还减了磨坊的租税。磨坊后来的一系列修缮几乎全都由普鲁士王室出钱,包括前面提到的拆除并重建,全都源于此。(顺便提一句,即使在Hebel原版故事中,国王的理由也不过是嫌磨坊太吵闹。我怀疑,“有碍观瞻”这种典型中国式借口,多半也是知晓环境保护的现代中国人才想得出!)
方豪先生在第四章第二节《支那名称的来源》中写道,“欧洲人称中国,英文作china,法文作chine,意文作cina……其源皆起于拉丁文之 Sina.寻常用复数,作Sinae,初作Thin,见公元八十年至八十九年之间完成的《爱利脱利亚海周航记》(periplus Maris Erythraei),作者佚名。……十七世纪之后,拉丁文偶亦有写作China者,但不多见。
一位著名的德国二战历史学家Helmut Konrad Freiherr von Keusgen,认为Severloh可能在当天造成了美军约3000-4200人的伤亡。Severloh认为数字没那么大,但他承认“很明显,至少 1000人,很可能超过2000人,但我并不知道我打死了多少人,这很可怕,想象一下都会让我作呕。我几乎消灭了一个团的登陆部队,周围的海水都染红了,我能听见美军指挥官在喇叭里面歇斯底里的喊叫。”
Stuart Crawford,服役于英国皇家装甲兵团,担任防务顾问,他认为一个德军士兵是完全有可能造成美军如此之多的伤亡。他说:“我曾经作为训练的一部分试用过那种机枪(注:指MG42)。那种机枪可以以极高的射速开火,Severloh当时处在一个几乎不可能被武器伤害到的位置,美军无法瞄准到他。美军的失误在于没有登陆坦克在第一波登陆部队中,于是他们没有掩护而造成巨大的伤亡。
\"Die Jagdkommandos sollen überwiegend aus Beutebestä\;nden in Uniformen des
deutschen Heeres und der Waffen-SS eingekleidet (!!!) die Vernichtungsaktionen
ausführen. Das schürt den Haß\; auf die faschistischen Besatzer und erleichtert
die Anwerbung von Partisanen im Hinterland der Faschisten. Es ist darauf zu
achten, daß\; Ü\;berlebende zurückbleiben, die über die \"deutschen Greueltaten\"
berichten kö\;nnen.\"
Quelle: Archiv Serie 429, Rolle 461. Generalstab des Heeres, Abtleilung
(Abtlg.) Fremde Heere Ost II H 3/70 Fr 6439568. Heutige Lagerstä\;tte:
Nationalarchiv Washington/USA.
但两位历史学家并没有到此为止,他们继续查证这个问题。最终他们在俄罗斯联邦中央档案馆(the Central Archives of the Russian Federation)找到了与此相关的文件(这就是后来俄罗斯解密的 0428命令)。两位历史学家又进行了大量的查证工作,包括查阅 Volkogonov\'s 的斯大林传记,核对斯大林批示的笔迹,还与另外两个资料来源进行比较验证。最终认定“纵火者训令”为伪造文件。
2000年4月(请注意这个日期),两位历史学家就此在德国现代历史学院的季刊Vierteljahreshefte für Zeitgeschichte上,发表了题为《斯大林的纵火者训令,一份伪造的文件》的文章。以下内容摘自两位历史学家的文章:
The United Nations Flag Code and Regulations
a. Upon the death of a Head of State or Head of Government of a Member State, the United Nations Flag will be flown at half-mast at United Nations headquarters, at the United Nations Office at Geneva and at United Nations offices located in that Member State;
b. On such occasions, at Headquarters and at Geneva, the United Nations Flag will be flown at half-mast for one day immediately upon learning of the death. If, however, Flags, have already been flying on that day they will not normally be lowered, but will instead be flown at half-mast on the day following the death;
c. Should the procedure in paragraph (b) above not be practicable due to weather conditions or other reasons, the United Nations Flag may be flown at half-mast on the day of the funeral. Under exceptional circumstances it may be flown at half-mast on both the day of the death and the day of the funeral;
d. United Nations offices other than those covered by paragraph (a) above in the case of the death of a national figure or a Head of State or Head of Government of a Member State, will use their discretion, taking into account the local practice, in consultation with the Protocol Office of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and/or the Dean of the locally accredited Diplomatic Corps;
e. The head of a specialized agency is authorized by the Secretary -General to lower the United Nations Flag flown by the agency to half-mast in cases where he wishes to follow the official mourning of the country in which the office of the agency is located. He may also lower the United Nations Flag to half-mast on any occasion when the specialized agency is in official mourning;
f. The United Nations Flag may also be flown at half- mast on special instructions of the Secretary-General on the death of a world leader who has had a significant connection with the United Nations;
g. The Secretary- General may in special circumstances decide that the United Nations Flag, wherever displayed, shall be flown at half-mast during a period of official United Nations mourning;
h. The United Nations Flag when displayed at half- mast should first be hoisted to the peak for an instant and then lowered to the half-mast position. The Flag should again be raised to the peak before it is lowered for the day;
i. When the United Nations Flag is flown at half-mast no other flag will be displayed;
j. Crepe streamers may be affixed to flagstaffs flying the United Nations Flag in a funeral procession only by order of the Secretary-General of the United Nations;
k. When the United Nations Flag is used to cover a casket, it should not be lowered into the grave or allowed to touch the ground.
Hai cuộc chiến tranh biên giới giữa Trung Quốc và Việt Nam cho đến nay hãy còn chứa nhiều bí ẩn. Cuộc chiến tranh biên giới lần thứ nhất xãy ra vào năm 1979, cả thế giới đều biết, trong khi đó cuộc chiến tranh biên giới lần thứ nhì xãy ra từ năm 1981 đến năm 1991 (10 năm) hầu như thế giới không quan tâm và không để ý đến. Trong cả hai trận chiến tranh biên giới này, phiá bên CSVN mất rất nhiều đất về tay Trung Quốc. Diện tích đất đã mất về tay Trung Quốc bao nhiêu cho đến nay không ai biết vì phía CSVN từ chối không công bố văn bản ký kết biên giới giữa Trung Quốc và Việt Nam vào năm 2000. Những tài liệu mà chúng tôi đã trình bày trong 13 bài về bí mật chiến tranh biên giới lần thứ 2 trích nhiều nhất là từ các tài liệu của Trung Quốc đã được công bố, và thêm một ít tài liệu từ phía cán binh Việt Nam.”
2. If it''s stupid but works,it isn''t stupid.如果一个蠢方法有效,那它就不是一个蠢方法。
3.Don''t look conspicuous - it draws fire. (This is why aircraft carriersare called "Bomb Magnets".)不要太显眼,因为那会引来对方火力攻击。(这就是航母被称为"炸弹磁铁"的原因。)
4. Never share a foxhole with anyone braver than you are.别和比你勇敢的战友躲在同一个散兵坑里。
5. Never forget that the lowest bidder made your weapon.别忘了你手上的武器是由最低价的承包商得标制造的。
6. If your attack is going really well,it''s an ambush.如果你的攻击进行得很顺利,那一定是你中了圈套。
7. All five-second grenade fuses will burn down in three seconds.所有五秒的手榴弹引线都会在三秒内烧完。
8. Try to look unimportant because bad guys may be low on ammo.尽量显得是一个无关紧要的人,因为敌人可能弹药不够了。(他会先打最重要的人)
9. If you are forward of your position,the artillary will fall short.每当你要攻击前进时,炮兵往往也快要用完了炮弹。
10. The enemy diversion you are ignoring is the main attack.那支你以为是敌军疑兵而不加注意的部队恰恰就是敌人的攻击主力。
11. The important things are always simple.重要的事总是简单的。
12. The simple things are always hard.简单的事总是难作到。
13. The easy way is always mined.好走的路总是已被敌军布上了地雷。
14. If you are short of everything except enemy. You are in combat.如果你除了敌人不缺,其它什么都缺,那你往往就要面临作战了。
15. Incoming fire has the right of way.飞来的子弹有优先通行权。(挡它的道你就要倒大楣!)
16. If the enemy is in range, SO ARE YOU!!!如果敌人正在你的射程内,别忘了你也在他的射程内。
17. No combat ready unit has ever passed inspections.从没有一支完成战备的单位能通过校阅。
18. Things that must be together to work usually can''t be shippedtogether.必须要装配在一起才能发挥效力的武器装备通常不会一起运来。
19. Radio''s will fail as soon as you need fire support desperately.无线电通讯会有可能在你急需火力支援时失灵。
20. Anything you do can get you shot - including doing nothing.你作的任何事都可能挨枪子儿 -- 包括你什么都不做。
21. Tracers work both ways.曳光弹可以帮你找到敌踪;但也会让敌人找到你。
22. The only thing more accurate than incoming enemy fire is incomingfriendly fire.唯一比敌人火力还精确的是友军打过来的炮火。(误射)
23. Make it tough for the enemy to get in and you can''t get out.当你防守严密到敌人攻不进来时,那往往你自己也打出不去。
24. If you take more than your fair share of objectives, you will have morethan your fair share of objectives to take.如果你多报战功,那下次你会被给予超过你能力的目标让你去打。(自讨苦吃)
25. When both sides are convinced that they are about to lose, they are bothright.当两军都觉得自己快输时,那他们可能都是对的。
26. Professional soldiers are predictable but the world is full of amateurs.专业士兵的行为是你能预测的,可惜战场上业余的士兵占多数,因此敌人的行为大部分是你所无法预测的。
其实,这个所谓的“美军士兵守则”是美国人编出来搞笑的,正式名字叫做“战场上的墨菲法则(Murphy's Military Laws)”。而且,这个中译版只是 Murphy's Military Laws 的一部分,原文完整版有72条。说白了,它就是大名鼎鼎的《Murphy's Law》(墨菲法则)的一部分,完全是民间的东西。拿这个“士兵守则”当真,就像是用小学生唱的童谣与《小学生守则》作对比一样,闹了笑话。况且,那个 “中国人民解放军士兵守则”也不是什么真的“士兵守则”。